blog with lot of useful information

Europe-pharme blog with lot of useful information

ED pills


Taking Viagra Cialis Levitra without ED

taking ED drugs - en

There are more and more young men with no sexual potency problems who take drugs with anti-erectile dysfunction effect just to reinforce feelings of pleasure. Moreover it is very easy to order Viagra, Cialis and Levitra online without a doctor’s prescription. One can order Viagra in internet drugstores without trouble. Is it acceptable or can this harm a man’s health? ....

By Jordan Carey

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Mens health


Potency drugs before and after

Before after pills-en

Many men having experienced the problems with potency wonder whether they can take a potency pill, and if they take it once, will they be able to do without pills in the future? Theoretically, if you do not have contraindications to a certain potency pill, in case of temporary problems with erection you can take it without risking to be impotent in the future. Main pills against erectile dysfunction - Viagra, Cialis, Levitra - are PDE-5 inhibitors, which increase blood flow to the male genitals, providing it with an erection. These drugs have a one-time effects and only during sexual arousal. The use of these drugs will not create any physiological factors of impotence....

By Jordan Carey

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ED pills


Counterfeit Viagra and drugs against ED

Protection from fake Pills - en

Potency problems is ordeal for any man, even for the most strongest and most successful one. Of course, a man getting into such a complex situation, spurs on to change it in a variety of ways. And unfortunately quite a lot of swindlers make use of it. Ministries of Public Health of different countries constantly alert about usage of counterfeit pills with anti-impotence effect. However pharmaceutical market abounds in counterfeit drugs, usage of which is useless and at times unsafe....

By Chloe Heath

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ED pills


Brands and generics: What's the difference?

Brand or Generic -en

When developing a drug, the pharmaceutical company, and more specifically, its research and development department, finds the right molecule and applies for the use of this molecule. Then, the pharmaceutical company conducts large-scale and expensive trials of a new drug produced by using a molecule found, and, with the successful completion of all required studies, it brings the new drug to the market, acquiring the exclusive right to sell it. The patent protection period of the original drug varies depending on the patent laws in each country. The term of patent protection in most world‘s countries will expire in 20-25 years, and taking into account that the release of the drug in the market takes about 13-15 years, we may say that the company has a total of 8-12 years to return the funds invested in the drug development....

By Joe Balle

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ED pills


Anti-erectile dysfunction drug Viagra

does viagra treat ed - en

Appearance of Viagra on the pharmacological market changed lives of many people. Effect of Viagra allowed men suffering from impotence, and their wives to forget about erectile dysfunction (ED) for a while. With time a lot of drugs similar to Viagra and many other anti-erectile drugs different from Viagra appeared. However in spite of widespread popularity of anti-erectile dysfunction pills, they arose a lot of questions up to now. One of the most frequently asked questions by men – does Viagra and similar drugs treat erectile dysfunction, or is it just another myth? ...

By Jordan Carey

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ED pills


All about Cialis

All about Cialis - en

Cialis (Tadalafil) - is one of the most popular drugs against erectile dysfunction created by Icos and Elly Lilly companies. After the necessary clinical research the drug was approved by the European Union and in 2003 tadalafil appeared on the pharmaceutical market under the trade name "Cialis". Since then Cialis firmly have taken the 2-nd place as the most popular drug among erectile dysfunction medications, surrendering the first place only Viagra. However, many men consider Cialis to be much better than Viagra by two reasons: firstly, Cialis Viagra starts to act more quickly, secondly, the effect of Cialis lasts considerably longer. It is a long lasting effect of Cialis that ensured it such high popularity....

By Chloe Heath

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Mens health


Psychological impotence and its treatment

psychological impotence - en

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is a man's inability to get and maintain the desired erection for sexual intercourse. It is easy to understand that impotence is a hard trial for the men strong in spirit. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by different factors: physiological and psychological. Physiological impotence is associated with such diseases as diabetes mellitus, diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of vascular system, diseases of the pelvic organs and others. Psychological impotence is caused by past psychological traumas or emotional disorders. Psychogenic sexual disorders are found in women as well, but in men they affect the potency and therefore are more noticeable. In most cases, psychogenic disorders of sexual function are caused by prolonged stress of any nature: long-term anxiety, shame and danger....

By Joe Balle

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Sex and relationships


Decreased Libido in Sexual Relationships

 Lack of Passion in Sexual Relationships - en

Forums for women are crammed with the exclamations, such as “My sexual partner does not want me anymore!”, “My husband and I have been living together for ten years already, we love each other very much but we do not have sex anymore!”, etc. We so frequently hear about the fact that sex drive between the spouses decreases with time that we already accept it as a norm. What is the cause of the decreased libido between the spouses? Can it be avoided? Can it be overcome? Or is it the inevitable evil that we simply have to put up with?....

By Danielle McCarthy

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ED pills


Viagra Pfizer

Viagra Pfizer - en

From the first time it appeared on the market brand Viagra Original has become a synonym for effectiveness and quality. Indeed, Viagra Original is the most well-known medication for erectile dysfunction. The active substance of the drug is sildenafil citrate. This substance increases the blood flow into the penis of a man in such a way ensuring a natural erection. However, such an effect of Viagra can be achieved only on condition of accompanying sexual arousal. At the end of a sexual intercourse the penis returns to its normal relaxed state. In such a way the sexual intercourse goes on in a natural way....

By Joe Balle

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ED pills


Viagra or Cialis

Viagra or Cialis - en

Erectile dysfunction (ED) also known as impotence is an inability of a man to achieve and maintain erections sufficient for the accomplishment of a sexual intercourse. Inability of a person to have full-blown sexual relationships has a negative influence on all the spheres of his life, this is a problem which is impossible to ignore. This condition seldom occurs on its own, as a rule potency-related problems appear as a result of psychological problems or diseases. It is very important to identify the real cause of impotence, otherwise effective treatment seems to be quite difficult....

By Jordan Carey

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ED pills


Viagra or Kamagra

Viagra or kamagra - en

Unfortunately, rather often men at their advanced age (though not necessarily) have to face the problem of erectile dysfunction. There exist several various methods of ED treatment, among them there is also medicinal treatment. Medicinal treatment of erectile dysfunction has appeared rather recently and enjoys the greatest popularity due to its high effectiveness. However, there exists a wide range of medications for erectile dysfunction. How can one choose the best drug for themselves? What criteria should be taken into consideration while choosing a medication of such a type? Let us consider two of the most popular medications used by the patients – Viagra and Kamagra....

By Chloe Heath

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ED pills


Viagra or Levitra

viagra or levitra - en

One day the majority of men face potency-related problems. Such problems are often connected with increased tension, inappropriate lifestyle, overexhaustion, and depression. Very often the problems of achieving and maintaining erections pass on their own in some period of time. But it sometimes happens that the problem remains, in this case a man most likely faces erectile dysfunction and needs treatment. Erectile dysfunction is most frequently defined as an inability of a man to achieve and /or maintain erection sufficient for a satisfactory sexual activity....

By Joe Balle

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Mens health


Impotence in youth

young potency - en

Recently, the number of young people experiencing erectile dysfunction (impotence) has increased significantly. This problem itself is very poorly tolerated by many men who see this as a humiliating disease, let alone for a young guy erectile dysfunction becomes a real disaster. Frequently, instead of going to a specialist quickly and solving the problem, the young men start developing a complex that only complicates the situation. Of course, for the young guy it is hard even to admit to himself that he had problems with erection. All the more, it is difficult to talk about it with the female partner. But, again, do not put off a visit to a specialist, the sooner diagnostics is carried out and treatment is prescribed, the higher is the probability that potency problems will be fully resolved in a while. Thus the problem of impotence in young years is mostly related to how you see your health. Insufficient attention to oneself and his way of life often becomes the cause of impotence....

By Jordan Carey

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Womens health


Viagra for women

viagra for women in pharmacy

Frigidity is an insufficiency or lack of appropriate reactions of a woman in the process of a sexual intercourse. Nowadays it is more preferable to use such terms as anorgasmia or orgasmic dysfunction since the term frigidity has acquired a negative connotation. The manifestations of such a disorder can vary from a complete lack of erotic feelings to a normal participation in the sexual intercourse, excepting the ability to achieve orgasm. The causes of anorgasmia can be both psychological and physiological. ...

By Danielle McCarthy

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Mens health


Orgasm control

Orgasm control - en

People have started to study the phenomenon of orgasm not so long ago. And almost immediately it was discovered that an orgasm is not only a very pleasant sensation but also a guarantee of health. At the moment of an orgasm a woman’s body intensively produces testosterone and estrogenes which improve the immune system, and consequently let the woman fall ill less frequently and stay young and attractive longer. Those women who regularly achieve orgasm have 20% lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease, 15% lower risk of breast and cervical cancer, 13% lower risk of a heart attack, and 10 % lower risk of a stroke. And all this is due to the production of such useful hormones as oxytocin and dehydroepiandrosterone....

By Chloe Heath

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Mens health


Potency drugs and antibiotics


Many men ask questions about taking various potency drugs while taking antibiotics. It is known that antibiotics themselves have a negative effect on male potency. What if you need to take antibiotics, but you also want to be on the high horse in bed? May one take antibiotics along with potency drugs? Typically, Viagra, Levitra and Cialis package leaflet does not indicate the use of antibiotics as a contraindication to the drug use. However, potency drugs information leaflet often says that sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil (active substances of these drugs, respectively) should be taken with caution while taking antibiotics. ...

By Joe Balle

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Mens health


Premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation-en

Premature ejaculation is a rapid achievement of ejaculation, the climax of sexual arousal, premature climax or early ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is one of the most wide-spread forms of erectile dysfunction, which has been experienced by nearly every man at least once in his life. The main symptom of premature emission of seminal fluid is an almost uncontrollable ejaculation before the penis enters the vagina or soon after it. As a rule, ejaculation problems lead to mutual dissatisfaction of both partners and give rise to a suspicion that the failure will be repeated disturbing a man even further....

By Jordan Carey

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Sex and relationships


Myth and Reality of Sexual Duration

Sexual Intercourse duration - en

It has been considered for a long time that a healthy sexual intercourse bringing maximum satisfaction to both partners must be rather long in duration. An ideal sexual partner was pictured in a woman’s imagination as a man with a big penis and a great sexual performance, able to have sex all night long. The research has proven that an average woman needs approximately thirteen minutes to reach her orgasm. While only three minutes are sufficient for a man to ejaculate. The so-called premature ejaculation has appeared to be a rather usual phenomenon, that is why in a great number of cases it can be regarded as a man’s acceptable sexual behaviour....

By Joe Balle

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Sex and relationships


8 popular questions about potency and erection

8 popular questions

To start with we shall clarify what the potency and the erection is. The potency is the ability of the body to have sexual intercourse. More often it concerns the male body particularly. Meanwhile, the erection is a quite specific increase in the penis size and its hardening necessary for sexual intercourse. When a man is sexually aroused a certain area of the brain responsible for sexual function reacts. This center is excited and sends nerve impulses to the genitals. The man gets increased blood pressure, breathing becomes more frequent, the penis fills with blood, increases and becomes stiffer. When this mechanism has even a minor failure, erectile dysfunction occurs.

By Joe Balle

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ED pills


Natural Viagra

viagra oroginal - en

Natural Viagra – is an effective and mild medication which will enable you to enjoy a prolonged sexual intercourse. It is meant for treatment of sexual disorders, especially of mental and vascular etiology. It is recommended to take one pill of Natural Viagra 30 minutes before a sexual intercourse. It is forbidden to take more than one pill of Viagra daily.

By Joe Balle

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ED pills


Medicines for erection problems Viagra Cialis Levitra

Pills for ED -en

A man having decided to return to his life full sex with the help of such pills against erectile dysfunction as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, should choose the right product. There is undoubtedly no one who will help him in this better than doctor. Here we want to give a short list of side effects of the basic drugs against erectile dysfunction, the indications and contraindications to their use.

By Chloe Heath

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ED pills


The History of Viagra

History of viagra - en

Viagra was invented as a result of pharmacological research of the Pfizer Company. In 1992 in an English town of Sandwich scientists were testing a substance called sildenafil. It was expected that sildenafil citrate would be able to increase a blood flow to the cardiac muscle and would have a particular influence on arterial pressure. Expectations fell flat, but the majority of men taking part in the experiment admitted a considerable improvement of erections. ...

By Joe Balle

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ED pills


Grapefruit juice and potency drugs

Grapefruit juice and potency drugs - en

Grapefruit juice is known for its useful beneficial components, it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and other important vitamins and organic acids; this juice even helps to treat hypertension and fight hepatitis C! However, grapefruit juice is a disaster for the pharmaceutical companies. This juice so poorly fits with taking drugs that the Americans test almost all new drugs to be compatible with it. In combination with some substances, grapefruit juice may be deadly....

By Joe Balle

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